White paper: Running blockchain pilots for your supply chain

Anand Sukumaran .

Blockchain in supply chain

In 2018, blockchain was one of the most trending topics in technologies alongside artificial intelligence and has managed to excite all the stakeholders in the supply chain industry. ‘Blockchain in supply chain’ is touted to make end-to-end visibility a reality, change B2B communications for good and automate complicated processes using smart contracts. But the biggest question is, how do you get started with it? This CIO focused white paper details how to kick start a pilot blockchain project.

What to expect from this guide?

The material in this paper aims to guide you towards your first blockchain pilot. This guide will help you;

  • Understand how blockchain is different from traditional databases.
  • Take a closer look at its features.
  • Understand how blockchain can maintain one version of the truth across the supply chain.
  • Gain a perspective on how blockchain will fit in with your use cases, scale, existing technologies, and your team.
  • Kickstart your first blockchain pilot.

Why do you need to run a pilot?

Running a blockchain pilot will give you perspective on how blockchain will fit in with your use cases, scale, existing technologies, and your team. A newer set of ideas emerge, metrics on efficiency gains can be derived, giving you objectivity. Pilots let you shed obsolete technology and march forward with better, emerging technologies iteratively. Click here to download the white paper.

Click here to download the whitepaper on running blockchain pilots for your supply chain | Blockchain for supply chain

Feel free to reach out to us at hello@byteally.com if you have any questions regarding the blockchain technology.

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  • Guide: Integrating with IBM Food Trust Blockchain [Link]
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Anand Sukumaran heads marketing at ByteAlly. He writes about emerging trends and technologies in the supply chain industry.